Lynne Canty

Teacher Aide
Kia ora, I really enjoy working here at Greenmeadows School, it’s a fantastic place to be. I am passionate about helping children to learn and their enthusiasm is exciting and feeds that passion. I work with children across the school from Year 1 to Year 6. I enjoy the 1 on 1 and small group learning. I am involved in taking that learning into some of their classrooms as well. Over the years I have worked with some of the fantastic programmes our school has to offer - Talk to Learn, ESOL, Language Learning Intervention, Speech, Toe by Toe, phonological programmes, social skills programmes, Lexia reading programme and Special Needs learning. Like any children I work with I love to learn and upgrade my skills and set high standards for myself. Mai I te kopae ki te urupa, tatou ako tonuai – from the cradle to the grave we are forever learning. Ka kite