Hayley Jury

Teacher Aide
I started working as a teacher aide at GMS in 2010 after parent helping in my daughters class and around the school, and some stints filling in for teacher aides on leave. Luckily GMS didn’t judge me on my ability to cook sausage rolls for the morning tea shout and five years later here I am still enjoying being part of the GMS team.
You will find me almost anywhere throughout the school helping with a range of things. It could be as a general classroom assistance or providing support to specific children with learning or behavioural difficulties. Guiding my group of children working on the computer based Lexia Core 5 reading programme or taking small groups for maths, reading, writing, phonics, talk to learn or social skills.
I also enjoy being involved in the ukulele culture at GMS and helping take the students out of school to challenge themselves at activities such as mud runs and triathlons. I love working alongside the children learning from them and watching them progress through their GMS journey.