Darren Holloway

Deputy Principal
Ko Maungapiko te maunga
Ko Waitononi te awa
Ko Kurahaupo te waka
Ko Kapowairua te marae
Ko Ngati Kuri te iwi
Ko Darren Holloway toku ingoa
It was my privilege to return to Greenmeadows School in 2018 in the role of Deputy Principal, having previously taught here for a brief period in 2014. My wife, Rebecca, is currently an RTLB in Napier and my two children, Maia and Tāne, go to school in Taradale.
I enjoy sharing my love of sport with children and whānau here at Greenmeadows - I think all children can benefit from taking part in a mix of team and individual sports at primary school. I like running and cycling in my spare time. During the summer you might catch me racing or volunteering with Tri HB, or perhaps playing touch rugby at Taradale Rugby Club. I spend the winter months playing football and you might see me coaching at Park Island on Saturday mornings.
Apart from sport I also enjoy sharing a passion for mathematics and digital technologies. I am very excited to be a part of preparing your children for a successful future in our fast-changing world.