Newsletters (2010)
Below are the newsletters for 2010.
Latest Newsletter in 2010
#20 - Term 4 2010 - 9 December 2010
End of year arrangements; Staffing for 2011; Farewell staff and departing families; etc. 10/12/2010 - 113 KB
#19 - Term 4 2010 - 2 December 2010
Hall update; 'One Bright Star' etc. 10/12/2010 - 108 KB -
#18 - Term 4 2010 - 17 November 2010
Interschool athletics; Mathletics results; Senior camps; etc. 10/12/2010 - 716 KB -
#17 - Term 4 2010 - 2 November 2010
GMS Athletic Sports, School Photographs, etc. 02/11/2010 - 901 KB -
#16 - Term 4 2010 - 21 October 2010
Temporary Hall closure; Readathon total; PTA Disco; etc. 29/10/2010 - 577 KB -
#15 - Term 3 2010 - 22 September 2010
Interschool cross country; New stage units for the Hall; Sports uniforms ordering; etc. 22/09/2010 - 508 KB -
#Term 3 2010 - Readthon Notice
Information about the school's readathon from Monday 19 Sept until 14 October 2010. 17/09/2010 - 55.3 KB -
#14 - Term 3 2010 - 1 September 2010
Mrs Lubbe returns to Room 17; Junior crosscountry results; Middle and Senior classes cross-country; Domino's Pizza fundraiser; etc. 01/09/2010 - 397 KB -
#13 - Term 3 2010 - 19 August 2010
Book Amnesty; Spooner Shield success!; New Entrant class up date; Cross-country information; etc. 19/08/2010 - 531 KB -
#12 - Term 3 2010 - 4 August 2010
Welcome to school; Spooner Shield arrangements 19/08/2010 - 388 KB -
#11 - Term 3 2010 - 20 July 2010
Survey on Reports and Interviews; Booking Maths interviews; Term 3 the sporty term; etc. 21/07/2010 - 231 KB -
#10 - Term 2 2010 - 20 June 2010
End of term details; School uniform order forms; etc. 21/07/2010 - 137 KB -
#09 - Term 2 2010 - 15 June 2010
Parent interviews and Reports; Notice from the Centennial committee; New teacher; etc. 15/06/2010 - 660 KB -
#08 - Term 2 2010 - 2 June 2010
Winter!!!, Parent Interviews and Reports, New junior Teacher, etc. 09/06/2010 - 386 KB -
#07 - Term 2 2010 - 12 May 2010
New computers at school; Teacher only Day;Please RETURN uniforms; etc. 27/05/2010 - 698 KB -
#06 - Term 2 2010 - 29 April 2010
ANZAC Day ceremony; Teacher Only Day - 4 June; etc. 30/04/2010 - 877 KB -
#05 - Term 1 2010 - 25 March 2010
Final notice for Term 1; 'Hiwi the Kiwi' show 21/04/2010 - 650 KB -
#04 - Term 1 2010 - 10 March 2010
Greemnmeadows School swimming information; Greenmeadows School centennial planning meeting; PTA information 15/03/2010 - 580 KB -
#03 - Term 1 2010 - 23 February 2010
School hat survey; Board election update; list of extra-curricular activities at school 15/03/2010 - 345 KB -
#02 - Term 1 2010 - 11 February 2010
New students welcome; School fees 16/02/2010 - 233 KB -
#01 - Term 1 2010 - 2 February 2010
Welcome to school; Staffing 2010; School fees 04/02/2010 - 107 KB